Diabetes Types –Review of Latest Developments

Dr. M. Sathiamurthi

Diabetes Insipidus

Among diabetes types, If you are diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, you have a very unique disease.

It is also known as DI. It is not like type 1 or type 2. It is not caused by your pancreatic or insulin disorders.

On the other hand, your disease is caused by an imbalance in your brain which affects hypothalamus.

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Anti Diuretic Hormone

Your hypothalamus secretes an anti diuretic hormone, called ADH, which controls the volume of water in your urine.

Your kidney depends on release of ADH to control your urine output. To understand what causes diabetes insipidus, you have to understand how ADH is involved in your kidney function.

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ADH Disorders

ADH is produced in your hypothalamus and stored in your pituitary. If your body suffers from water shortage, it's to reduce water excretions. Pituitary does it by reducing water in your urine by release of ADH.

ADH tells the kidneys to reduce the water sent out in your urine. With out ADH, there is no such control and your kidneys go on excreting more water through your urine causing dehydration in your body.

A disease, different from other diabetes types develops, when things goes wrong with the role of ADH. When its secretion, storage, and release are disturbed in your body you get diabetes insipidus.

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Early Symptoms DI

You will find that the symptoms of diabetes insipidus are very much similar to those of other diabetes-types.

Frequent urination, excessive thirst and dehydration are common symptoms found in the insipidus patients. Among the various diabetes types, Diabetes Insipidus affects people in its three forms.

Central DI

ADH helps you to regulate and reduce the urine production, when it becomes necessary. This regulation is essential in your body to maintain water balance and electrolyte balance which are critical to good health.

If the production of ADH is inhibited or if it is not properly stored and released in proper timings in correct quantities by your pituitary, it leads to the disease. This is known as central diabetes insipidus.

Nephrogenic DI

Suppose, the tubules in your kidney do not respond to the signals of the hormone ADH. Either these signals are inefficient or this can be due to a severe kidney disorder. Or a genetic fault makes your kidney insensitive.

This leads to another version of diabetes-types, known as nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

A mother can pass on a Nephrogenic DI gene to her baby affecting its kidney cells and this can lead to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. All this can happen even when the production, and release of ADH are in order.

Gestational DI

This peculiar disease among the diabetes types affects only the pregnant women. In their case, a hormone coming from the placenta of the pregnant mother destroys ADH or makes it inefficient and incompetent.

In gestational diabetes the pregnant mother's kidneys do not respond to the ADH hormone. They go on making urine with out any regulation leading to excessive urination and gestational diabetes insipidus.

Other Symptoms Of DI

Dehydration, dry mouth, low electrolyte balance, low blood pressure, fever, head ache, muscle weakness, and loss of weight are noticeable in patients of diabetes Insipidus. These are the symptoms of this disease.

Treatment is by synthetic hormones for Central DI and Gestational DI.

New Treatment For DI

Conventional treatment is symptomatic with drugs for the nephrogenic type. The new treatment employs E Diagnosis for investigations and by E Treatment gives much better results in all the three forms of disease.

Pre Diabetes

To understand pre diabetes among diabetes-types, we have to know the fasting sugar levels of a healthy person. In the morning before taking any food it should be between 70 to 100 mg per dl. This is your fasting sugar.

Sugar Levels

When your reading is above 100 but within 125 the condition is known as pre diabetes. When the reading goes above 125 mg /dl the transition to diabetes type 2 occurs. What are the symptoms of Pre Diabetes?


The symptoms of pre diabetes are excessive appetite, frequent urination, excessive thirst, weight loss, fatigue, and blurred vision. If you have pre diabetes, any wounds take longer than usual time for healing.

Leads To Type 2

A person with pre diabetes is more likely to develop diabetes-type-2 with in a few years. It is caused by improper secretion or incompatibility of insulin from pancreas. It results in hyperglycemia and diabetes type 2.

Risk Factors

Obesity, over weight, idle life, high bad cholesterol(LDL), low good cholesterol (HDL), high level of triglycerides, family history of diabetes type-2 and certain ethnic factors contribute to causes of pre diabetes.

Natural Reversal

Proper diet, exercise, medication and the new treatment can reverse pre diabetes. But, like with other types of diabetes, it is difficult in practice and better more easily said than done.

In such cases, having the new e diagnosis followed by healing of its root cause disorders by E Treatment for Diabetes Types works with greater control and better results for natural reversal of prediabetes.

Type 3 Diabetes

Scientists have recently discovered that, like in the pancreas, insulin is secreted in the brain as well. Any disorder in this secretion leads to type 3 diabetes. This affects the regulation of receptors in the brain.

This secretion of insulin in the brain is vital for the survival of brain cells. Any irregularity can lead to Alzheimer's Disease. According to modern research, this disease is associated with Type 3 diabetes.

New Discovery

Type 3 Diabetes is the latest addition to the existing types. Insufficiency or incompetency of the insulin secretion in your brain affects memory cells in its hippocampus and causes this disease.

New Treatment is Beneficial
in Type 3 Diabetes Types

More research is going on type 3 diabetes. New Treatment for Diabetes Types is highly beneficial in Alzheimer’s Disease and in Type 3 Diabetes, where the causes are not known. Diabetes Types -Type 1, Type 2 .

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