Diabetes Diagnosis Investigates Your Energy Fields & Chakras

Dr. M. Sathiamurthi

E Diagnosis Report 3

You may be astonished to find how diabetes diagnosis investigates new areas not diagnosed by allopathy.

We give you the third report on our remote e diagnosis, performed on a patient who has diabetes type 2.

This new diagnosis will open your eyes to see better options from Bio Energetics to treat your diabetes.

Investigates Chakras

Diabetes Diagnosis or E Diagnosis, investigates your five major Chakras or Nervous Plexuses. It also diagnoses your body energy fields and their symmetry there, to find out other root cause disorders for your diabetes.

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Diagnoses Field Shifts

What is different in this new diagnosis? It measures your energy field shifts by Lecher Antenna. The life energy, measured at 5.7 Lambda, forms an energy center in your chest. It shifts its axis when you have any disease.

This shift is measured in your five major chakras. For good health, the energy fields there, should be centered around your spinal cord. Any field shifts there signify greater risks for diabetes and other chronic diseases.

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Energy Field Shifts

Take for example this client's energy fields. There are many shifts from his central axis. He has his fields shifted to left by 3 meters, in his eyebrow center, and throat. And by 4 meters to left in his chest, navel and groin.

The new treatment uses diabetes diagnosis to measure these field shifts, to confirm severe blockages in his energy flow lines. These defects can lead to formation of cysts, stones, polyps, cancer and cause depressions.

His diagnosis further reveals an all round energy shortage to many of his endocrine and other organs. This by itself initiates diseases in these areas. It forms the climate to create other root cause disorders for his diabetes.

Report On Chakra Energy Field
Symmetry By E Diagnosis

Following Table Summarizes Lecher Antenna investigations of chakra on a patient with diabetes type 2 by remote methods of diabetes diagnosis.
Name OF
Wave Length
Eye Brows Chest Throat Navel Groin
To Left
3 Meters
To Left
4 Meters
To Left
4 Meters
To Left
4 Meters
To Left
To Right
3 Meters
To Right
4 Meters
To Right
4 Meters
To Right
4 Meters
To Right
To Left
3 Meters
To Left
4 Meters
To Left
4 Meters
To Left
4 Meters
To Right

Outward Energy Field Shifts

Here, this client has fields shifts in all the chakras to his right by 3 to 4 meters. This nourishing energy flows outward from his energy center in his chest. It nourishes his body cells and eliminates his 4 types of toxins.

Therefore, these field shifts in this energy, affect his cellular nourishment and toxin elimination. It affects his brain, hypothalamus, pituitary, insulin, pancreas, and glucose metabolism. It creates the climate for his diabetes.

Cracks In Body Defense

These field shifts create cracks in his body defense. These cause energy depletion and toxin accumulation all over his body. Fortunately, this new diabetes diagnosis fore warns him to rectify these shifts by E Treatment.

Cosmo Telluric Energy

Your cosmic and telluric energies define your cosmo telluric energy. Its symmetry is essential for defect free cell formations. If not centered, you will have formation of defective cells, spoiling your cellular regeneration.

Diabetes diagnosis measures this in his five chakra levels at 15.3 Lambda. It finds it defective, shifting to his left in the first four chakras and shifting to right in the groin. This too can cause the climate for his diabetes.

Energy Wave Lengths

5.7 is the wave length for your inward flowing resource energy. 7.8 is the wave length for your outward flowing nourishing energy. 15.3 is the wave length for your creative life energy known as cosmo-telluric energy.

What is Perfect Health?

Diabetes diagnosis defines perfect health as an ideal state free from any energy field shifts. If these are centered around your spine, your health is perfect. If not, you develop chances for diabetes and other diseases.

These field shifts are connected with your nervous plexuses in and around these chakra locations. These shifts from the central axis also give clues to your organic, metabolic energetic and psychological disorders in you.

Diabetes Diagnosis Reveals
Other Disorders Too

The new diabetes diagnosis also reveals defects in endocrine secretions of this client's hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenals, and testicles. It further reveals defects in his brain hormone commands.

These secretions should neither be more and nor less. Both signify great dangers. If there is a shortage or excess in these secretions, it causess your diabetes and other severe complications.

Be Wise To The Facts!

Allopathic Methods do not have this type of diagnosis for diabetes. How can they cure a disorder about which they do not even know? This is why you must be wise to the facts and take our Energy Treatment.

Take Scientific Help

Allopathic care may help, but that alone is not enough. This is why you must ensure your additional safety by taking the e diagnosis and our special e treatment! to treat effectively your diabetes complications.

You now have detailed reports on E Diagnosis done on a patient with Diabetes Type 2. With Many New Scientific Procedures! Click here to See Reports! See The World Of Difference From Allopathic Diagnosis!

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